FireCat! The Legend of Amazon Sage©

Sage is a quirky girl who always loved wild animals, funny people, adventure and indigenous music. She still does.

What no one knows is that every night in her dreams, Sage

transforms into a woman of power and wisdom, called

Amazon Sage.

Unlimited by the confines of newtonian physics, she is fierce and full of compassion, traveling where ever she is needed to help relieve suffering in the world.

Only problem is,

Amazon Sage© only lives while Sage is dreaming.

Once Sage awakens, Amazon Sage © disappears. These blogs are written by Sage, telling what happens in this most secret life...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

“Super Bowl can be super if you make it so...”

Good morning, friends. Today is Super Bowl Sunday so stay safe, have fun, and put a huge dent in the sex slave trade by refusing to participate in this scourge of American life. These stolen children are definitely not having fun. As I noted in my blog a few days ago:
"So pervasive has internet sex (aka porn), become that young girls and boys are provide "product" for a leering audience. Apparently, Super Bowl Sunday is the worst. It seems that on this special day, more than a few fathers and husbands plan to take part in guilty pleasures when they travel to the football game. As a result, evil men stock up their "product" to provide hookers of every flavor. What if somebody’s Daddy got into a room with one of these young girls and discovered that she is the 13 year old from down the street who went missing a few weeks ago? Did you know that she cries to go home to her parents? Did you know she is the friend of your daughter?" 

Call: 1-800-The Lost if you see any of these girls and report these kidnappers and rapists to the police. Have a good day!